
China National Carbon Technology Co., Ltd., yiou and Miaoying technologies jointly launched the Research Report on carbon neutral responsibility of China's science and technology enterprises


China National Carbon Technology Co., Ltd., yiou and Miaoying technologies jointly launched the Research Report on carbon neutral responsibility of China's science and technology enterprises

Recently, sinocarbon, equal ocean and Miaoying technology jointly launched the Research Report on carbon neutral responsibility of China's science and technology enterprises, which focuses on the responsibility and contribution of science and technology enterprises in the process of achieving carbon neutral goal.


On May 15, 2021, China Energy Conservation Association and resource and Environment Research Institute of China Institute of standardization held three sessions of China carbon trading market development forum with the theme of "green responsibility · zero carbon future" in Beijing《 Research Report on carbon neutral responsibility of China's science and technology enterprises was officially released at the forum.


China will achieve the goal of carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutral by 2060, which has become a hot topic in the community. Global warming, carbon dioxide emissions and other topics, we all focus on power generation, petrochemical, chemical, steel and other high-carbon industries. High carbon industry supply side reform, energy transformation and upgrading and other topics caused extensive discussion. The public has not paid much attention to science and technology enterprises. However, science and technology enterprises have never been a bystander, but an important participant, leader of innovation ability and voice caller in achieving the goal of carbon neutrality.

The founding team of China carbon National Science and technology has been deeply engaged in green carbon emission reduction industry for ten years. It has been adhering to the concept of "zero carbon value creator", focusing on China Green Carbon Emission market and is the overall solution provider in carbon neutralization field. As the chief Cooperative Research Institute of zero carbon issue of globalization research center of Tsinghua University, Ms. lishchao, founder of China carbon state science and Technology Co., Ltd., said that apple and Google, as we are familiar with, have put carbon neutralization into the enterprise objectives as early as 10 years ago, gradually, from enterprise carbon neutralization to supply chain carbon neutralization, Even with the company since its inception all carbon footprint. Similarly, in China, there are also technology giants like Huawei and Tencent. They are also following the action to empower the realization of carbon neutralization goals with their unique influence and technological innovation capability.

For the time being, only a small part of China's science and technology enterprises disclose carbon data, carbon neutral targets, etc. we are still in the initial stage, but we are already on this road. The potential of science and technology enterprises is unlimited. I believe that by giving full play to their own scientific and technological advantages and actively innovating, science and technology enterprises will promote the rapid realization of carbon emission reduction targets in their service fields.

The content of this report combs the responsibilities and positioning of science and technology enterprises in the process of carbon neutralization, and studies the role of science and technology enterprises in achieving their own carbon neutralization and enabling other industries to achieve carbon neutralization; By studying the path and measures of carbon neutralization of foreign science and technology enterprises, this paper summarizes the development path of carbon neutralization of science and technology enterprises, and constructs the development model of zero carbon science and technology enterprises. This paper expounds the development stage, specific measures and influencing factors of carbon neutral responsibility of Chinese science and technology enterprises, and forms the carbon neutral development index of science and technology enterprises combined with Miaoying science and technology data.


The report can be downloaded here: (download now)

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